TT 08 - Human, computer and machine interaction

Track Chairs

Daisuke Chugo, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan


The Track aims at bringing together researchers and scholars working on all aspects related to the interaction of Humans with Computers and Machines in industrial contexts to exchange and share their experiences and results. To enable the interaction between human, computers, and machines, this special track provides people a platform to discuss and explore frontier issues on topics including the follows.

Topics under this track include (but not limited to)

  • Adaptive interaction
  • Ambient intelligence
  • Autonomous Cars and Vehicles
  • Cyber Security in HSI
  • HSI in Robotics
  • Health Care, Wearable and Assistive Devices
  • Human-centered automation
  • Human factors and human-in-the-loop
  • Human performance and modelling
  • Human-system interaction
  • Sensing and recognition
  • User-centered design