
Last Date for Author Registration

If you are an author of the paper(s), you must register before July 1st, 2022, so that your paper can be included in the program.

Registration Form

Once you have scrolled down and read the relevant information in the rest of the page, please click on the "Registration" button below for registering for the conference. The link opens in a new window/tab with many registration options.

Register for the conference here.

Registration costs

Type Fee (USD)
IES Student Members 150
IES Members 225
IES Life Member 150
IEEE Fellow 225
IEEE Student Members 175
IEEE Members 250
Non-IEEE Student members 200
Non-IEEE members 300
Every additional paper 100
Every page charge above 6 pages in a paper 50

Registration Notes

Cancellations/refund policy

Registration fees will only be refunded if the notice of cancellation is received by INDIN 2022 secretariat before July 10th, 2022. There may be charges for an invoicing fee and bank charges for the refund. Both of them will be for the registrant’s account. Cancellations after July 10th, 2022 and no-shows are not eligible for a refund.

Inquiries - invoices, refunds, Accountancy update

All Inquiries and requests about invoices and possible refunds/cancellation must be sent to the INDIN Registration Helpdesk ( and copy to INDIN Secretariat ( Last date for refunds/cancellation is July 10th, 2022.